5 Social Media Do’s & Dont’s
It can be a bit intimidating, overwhelming or confusing delving into the world of marketing via social media, but the following do’s and don’ts are a guide to some basic social media etiquette to help you along the way.
The emergence of social media as a mainstream marketing platform has created an opportunity to bridge the divide between businesses and customers. Through the clever use of content, big corporates and organisations can now engage with customers on a mGore ‘human’ level, even engaging in humour – The NSW Police Force Facebook page is a great example of this.
Social media is a more conversational channel where people can engage with businesses on a personal level. It is a fantastic channel for building trust, brand loyalty, engaging your audience, validating your product or service, humanising faceless corporations/organisations and to share information in a fast, easy and cost effective way.
Below are some tips on what to do and not to do when it comes to your social media presence.
Social Media Do’s & Dont’s
Be genuine and personable
Know your audience and use appropriate & consistent tone of voice
Respond when necessary – make sure your social media assets are regularly monitored for engagement that requires attention
Post regularly but not too much (generally 1-2 times a week)
Have clear objectives which will help form quality content (and use mixed media too – images, video, text, polls etc
Post generic content
Ignore genuine negative reviews/comments
Overload your audience with too many posts (or you’ll notice your follow numbers dropping)
Post inappropriate content. Yes you can be more ‘casual’ with your posts but think about what kind of content you want your brand associated with
Not have a strategy and or content/plan. Social media is an opportunity so use it wisely.
These do’s & dont’s are just a starting point for what can sometimes be a complex yet rewarding digital marketing platform. To gain a more indepth understanding of how social media can be used successfully for your business, get in touch.