Don’t have a website, your current one is hard to use or it needs updating?
With almost 20 years experience in marketing I can build a website for your business that is designed strategically to meet the needs of you, your business and your audience, your business’ and your needs…
My websites are tailored to meet your objectives, help make running your business easier, to maximise conversions and by utilising Squarespace, I can do this for you at a rate that isn’t going to break the budget.
Book a FREE initial consultation today

What’s included:
✔ A customised website utilising the popular and easy to use Squarespace platform
✔ A website tailored to your target audience and your unique business goals & objectives - with a focus on maximising conversions
✔ Basic on-page Search Engine Optimisation
✔ A desktop and mobile compatible website
✔ Copywriting (website content) and image sourcing as required (with access to a range of free stock images)
✔ Web optimisation of existing image (as required)
✔ Website content population (inserting all content into the website)
✔ Domain integration and connection to Google Search Console (optional)
✔ 1 hour training session - in person or online with additional phone support
✔ Optional ongoing website management & support packages available at an exclusive discounted rate)
✔ *20% off your Squarespace subscription for the first 12 months
✔ More free time to do what you do best (not to mention your sanity as you wont have to figure out how to build a website yourself!)
*As a Squarespace Circle member my clients benefits from longer free trial periods, 20% discount off the first 12 months of their Squarespace subscription, discounts on plug-ins & extensions and more.
Keep your website AWESOME.
Websites are a bit like plants. Whilst a website won’t necessarily wither and die if neglected it does need a lil’ bit of regular tender, loving care to keep it in shape (please don’t try watering your computer - it was a metaphor!).
A well looked after website is always up to date, info is accurate, it ensures your business remains professional looking, credible & trustworthy, continually evolves to match your business objectives & needs, content is fresh (which Google loves) and there’s no cray cray formatting (which Google also loves).
But… TIME IS PRECIOUS, especially for small business owners! and often, this means a website can get overlooked and neglected. My monthly website management & support packages have got you covered. Hand all the website stuff over so you can get on with other stuff, with the peace of mind knowing your website is in good hands.
Don’t give me your plants. They will die.