What Makes Great Digital Marketing?

If there is one thing and one thing only that you need to know about making your digital marketing great, it’s this….

Market to your audience.

It seems obvious right? But when it comes to digital people get side-tracked by algorithms, number of likes, where you’re ranking…..

BUT, if you take a user-centred approach first and foremost, you’ll not only be more likely to achieve desired results, but your efforts will have more longevity and substance. Your brand wont be compromised by ill-written ‘SEO’ based web content or likes purchased from India or fake reviews clearly written by someone who quite obviously was paid to do so... and possibly knows nothing about what they’re reviewing.

Google’s algorithms are centred around the end user. Google wants people using their search engine to have the best experience and to be able to achieve the outcome they are seeking, thats why algorithms exist. So it makes sense that if you align with Google’s approach, you’ll ‘organically’ start to see results.

Don’t get me wrong though, you do need to take other factors into consideration – objectives, social engagement, search algorithms and how to effectively ‘speak’ to search engines etc but if you start by considering your audience or end user, this will develop a solid foundation on which to build your digital marketing strategy.

So where do you begin?


Develop user profiles, research demographics and user behavior. There are tools that can help with this. Understand the differences about each digital marketing channel and how your audience relates to or interacts with each.


Objectives can be generating revenue, increasing reach & brand awareness, controlling your brand in the digital space, developing trust, increasing newsletter sign ups, increasing reviews…… so many options, so many opportunities. Depending on what your objectives are, they may determine the channel you’ll use, the language or content such as call to actions (e.g. get in touch, like our page) or USPs (unique selling points).


Write a great article that your audience will enjoy reading and gain something from, BUT put a call to action at the end. Build trust and loyalty towards your brand through relatable and genuine social posts. Respond to negative reviews respectfully and strategically, not reactively. Taking this approach to your digital marketing will be so much more beneficial for your business and your brand…. and you’ll feel good about it to.

Want to know more about how you can put your audience first and reap the benefits? Get in touch for a FREE consultation.


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